Practical Keys to secure future as Youth. By Rev’d Daniel Afuape

The genesis of all things determine the outcome of the results. No matter how odds the begining may be, if the foundation is solid. There is tendency for solution out of numerous mistake.

No great man that was not upon the time passed through the corridor of mistake with bitterness of why do I do this. Error doesn’t prove one as fool but a lesson to gain more knowledge for the wise. No man is above error irregardless of the age; only God does. Man need to connect back to God through Jesus Christ (John 14:6) because God is Omniscient (all knowing God) That is, custodian of knowledge that can never be novice in anything and fields.

God is omnipotent as well. That is, All powerful. All powerful that can’t be failed not fail you if you come back to Him.

Attributes of wise youth. Listen to it

Giving your life to Him as a youth will place you in the platform of having clear purpose of your existence if you are highly spiritual sensitive. And your sensitive in the spirit indeed will help you to lay hold on this practical Keys for securing future in Him.

1. Set goals: The first step in securing your future is to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve in life. Jesus say for this reason son of man appears…. Thief cometh to steal, kill and destroy but I come that you may have life…. (Clarity of purpose) Jesus knew His vision and sett bot long and short term goal to achieve it by raised disciples for the continuity. You need to set short-term and long-term goals for yourself and work towards them.

Goal it is breakdown of process to accomplish a task ahead or strategic principle to take step by steps in actualizing the mission. It requires meditation Joshua 1:8.

The next thing to do is to…

2. Develop valuable skills: Identify your strengths and interests and work on developing skills that will be in demand in the future job market. This could include technical skills, soft skills, or specialized knowledge in a particular field. You are not omnipotent but a creature in His hand to carry out a specific assignment on earth. Moses is a leader, Aaron a priest, Bezalel was an artistic while Aholiab was artisans.

For We are of His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good work… Ephesians 2:10 but remember that : He Himself gave some to be Apostles, some prophets, some evangelist… 4:11. Identify your grace and strength then

3. Pursue higher education: In today’s competitive job market, having a higher education degree can give you an edge over others. Consider pursuing a degree in a field that aligns with your interests and career goals. Pual told Timothy to study in order to show himself approved by God.

If you are a pastor go to sound theological school to know the rudiments of interpret the scripture and what it takes to be a minister of gospel. The ethics of ministry, minister, situation. If you have never go to theology you will still have assertion that we don’t need to go theology before we can interpret the scripture. You maybe correct but that is half- truth. Because you may be commits blonder with sincerity in the name of inspiration without knowing you have missed the way. Education is not all about it you need to build

4. Network: Building a network of contacts can open up opportunities and help you learn from others’ experiences. Attend seminars, industry events, join professional associations, if you are a pastor in Nigeria such as Pastor fellowship ,CAN,PFN,CCN, ECWA/TELKA etc. and make use of social media to connect with people in your field. Social media and networking is not enough. You must consistently

Dangerous career that youth must avoid

5. Gain work experience: Employers often look for candidates with hands-on experience in their chosen field. Consider internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work to gain practical experience and build your resume. Always ready to learn more, through sacrifice of your time and resources to the profit of other which will eventually add value to your life and skill. In addition also be sure you

6. Build a strong online presence: In the digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial. Use social media to showcase your skills and achievements, and create a professional profile on networking sites like LinkedIn etc and having understanding on how to

7.Develop financial literacy: Factual everything in life needs money for it efficiency. Even bible did not say money is evil but love of it. And scripture say about money that it is answer to many things.

Take the time to learn about managing your finances, including budgeting, saving, and investing. This will help you make informed decisions about your financial future. Nevertheless as important as money is. It can’t produce anything without human discretion and involvement. Therefore, make sure you

8. Stay informed: Keep up with current events and trends in your field. This will not only help you stay relevant in your chosen career but also prepare you for any changes or challenges that may arise in the future. Also take note. As focus as you are with your tenacity be flexible in order to

Have your read this book? POWER Of DISCOVERY, The Key To Supernatural Hidden Treasure of God by Daniel Afuape. If you have not you need to.

9. Be adaptable: The job market is constantly evolving, and it’s important to be open to change and adapt to new situations. This may mean being open to learning new skills or exploring different career paths. Lastly, an adage say sound health is the bedrock of wealth. Make sure you

10. Take care of your mental and physical well-being: Your health is a crucial factor in securing your future. Take care of yourself by getting enough rest, eating well, and managing stress. This will help you stay focused and motivated to achieve your goals.

God bless you. Feel free to check my next post. Like, comment and share. I remain. Daniel Afuape.

Published by daniel afuape

Daniel A . I. Afuape is a Minister of gospel, an author, a trainer, motivational speaker, preacher called by God to rescue destiny who are in jeopardy and to revive those who are ignorant of the goodness of God that lies down in them despite being regenerated. He is passionate about the YOUTH and PERISHING SOULS (unsaved) due to the mandate of God upon him. He is evangelist/ teacher by calling and also pastor by training in Baptist College of Theology. He is now a steward of Life of Christ Evangelical Ministries (Locem) the ministry establish by God Himself through him. He is itinerant preacher.

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